Monday, September 5, 2011

5 de septiembre

This week has been so awesome. I was really sad to see everyone go from the medical brigade. I got to know a few of them pretty well and enjoyed working with them. Each one was an impressive individual. I mostly translated in oral surgery, but my last day they let me help in recovery where I was changing bloody gauze! I became professional by the end of the day. On the last day one of the dentists kindly cleaned my teeth, so I might not have to get dentures when I get home. I also snapped a picture with Elder Martino since I did not get a chance at zone conference.

Elder Bentz and I were really happy because we had two investigators in church on Sunday. One of them stayed for a couple hours and the other one stayed all three. We showed her the baptismal font after church and talked about baptism. We extended an invitation to be baptized, and she accepted a date. We passed by the other guy during the week and gave him a Book of Mormon to read which he accepted. We will be talking with him more and want to set a date with him too. It was a testimony to us to work until the very last moment. We found them both Saturday night.  That was part of Elder Martinos message too that we should work even when we are tired, or raining, or we do not want to. I love the talk by...Henry B. Eyring? that says the Lord usually blesses us after we have given 97 or 98 percent rather than in the beginning. Anyways, it is nice to have progressing investigators again. They both seem super positive.

Thanks for all of your love and support. I love you guys and hope you have a great week.


Elder Whiting

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