Thursday, July 12, 2012

11 July 2012 - last change

Dear Family,
I am entering my last change of my mission! It all feels so surreal. Today I received my new companion Elder Rose from Arizona. He has about 9 months on the mission. I have heard very good things about him, so I am excited to end my mission working hard with a great elder. We will be heading back to Playon Chico Friday morning at 6 in the morning. Now a little about my last change with Elder Wade.
First of all, we were blessed with five baptisms this last change. All of them were people we found on one of our islands, Ukupa. We had a lot of help from one of the few return missionaries in San Blas named Olo. He was essential because not many of the people in Ukupa speak Spanish, so he tirelessly worked translating for us. The branch president Lazaro was also a big help.
While we were there, several men came back from the jungle having just killed a monkey. After posing it several times, it was skinned cooked, and served to us. I found the meat to be quite tasty actually. We stayed for Sunday to make sure everyone was confirmed properly and both spoke in Sacrament meeting.
This change we had several really bad storms that did quite a bit of damage to the island and piping of the water system. We were without water for four days. It breaks my heart when I see all of the damage done to the homes of the people on the island. We are of course always willing to help with the clean up and repairs. Most of the damage involved roof damage, strong winds blowing parts of the leaf thatching off. The area floods pretty badly too and seeps up through their floors.
We do not have that problem in our tree house we live in, but it was swaying like crazy in the wind.
Thank you for all of your letters, emails, and packages. I really appreciate them, and they do a lot to encourage and motivate me.
Elder Whiting

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