Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 8

Dear Family,
We heard from Elder Malm for our Tuesday night devotional as Mom predicted. He has a heavy Swedish accent and is a very good speaker. Elder Malm told one of my favorite stories about the fallen bridge. A ship ran into a bridge on a foggy night and caused it to collapse. Because of the weather conditions, many could not see that the bridge was out and drove straight over the edge. One trucker noticed and was able to pull over. He was eventually able to alert everyone of the danger ahead. He compared this story to missionary work. We can see a little farther ahead and can warn people of the danger. Our message is desperately needed.
My toe has been doing much better. I had the ingrown part surgically removed and medicine put in to kill the section of nail that was taken out. I have been soaking my the toe for 30 minutes twice a day in Epson salts. Then I dab it with hydrogen peroxide and finish with Neosporin and a bandage. It does not bother me any longer. After today I was instructed to switch to only once a day for two more weeks. I have a follow up appointment set for the 29th (the day before I leave).
Thank you for the socks. Unfortunately, there was an advertisement in the box for some delicious steaks. I had to throw that away. I do not need any more money. Thanks though.
We received our travel plans last Thursday. We are flying on Delta airlines. We fly out of Salt Lake at 9:45 AM and arrive at Atlanta, GA at 3:25. Then at 5:25 PM we proceed to Panama City and are predicted to get there at 9:30 PM. Talk about flying all day. Interestingly, we are fly back to Atlanta exactly a month later to (I am guessing) sign our visas. Our branch presidency said I could call home at the airport, so I will think about it haha. My companion is our travel leader which means he makes sure we do not wander off at the airport and calls the MTC if anything goes wrong. We are going to start packing pretty soon and weigh our bags. I will be sure to make only one bag overweight if there is a problem. It has been difficult for us to focus now that we have our plans.
We have been experiencing some interesting weather. It has been snowing a lot here. There is a big blizzard predicted to hit from Alaska. It has gotten REALLY cold as well. We are having fun though because this is the last time we will see snow for a while or feel cold for that matter. When we were walking back from our temple walk on Sunday we were assaulted by a hail storm. I have never experienced hail like this. It actually hurt a lot. Again, we laugh at this now. We have some funny pictures of us running back to the MTC. We would cover our faces with our hands, and then the hail would just sting our hands.
Elder Biesinger got a Christmas package yesterday. His parents included a stocking for me which was really nice. I am going to write a letter thanking them today. We have shared pictures of our families with each other. They look like nice people. I hope you didn't send anything too nice to Panama. Speaking of mail...does my mission have a pouch address? I would like any addresses you have since I have not received any.
Morgan and Johnny, Congratulations on the new addition to your family. While I am disappointed he was not name Jeffrey II, I'm sure Grant will serve him just fine. I am relieved everything went well. I enjoyed the story about Johnny's middle name. I am reminded of going to the hospital when Emery and Campbell were born and just marveling at them. Newborns are fun to hold. I was also pleased to hear about Chris and Jenna's baby.
I am nearing the end of my experience at the MTC. It is strange to be taking exit surveys and going to Health and Safety meetings. This time has gone by extraordinarily fast. I have had many spiritual experiences in the MTC and have created many good memories. I enjoy the elders in my district and have made good friends here.
I love you,
Elder Whiting

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 7

Dear Family,
I am e-mailing a little earlier today because I will be going to the podiatrist later to get an ingrown toenail inspected. I am actually really surprised I am going at all. I was just asking if there was anything I could do on my own to treat it and the next thing I know we are setting up an appointment to look at possible infection or something like that. It has been ingrown for several days but it only recently started hurting to walk on. At least this will be an adventure to leave the MTC and go out into Babylon. It was weird sitting on the other side of the desk while she was on the phone with mom. I wonder if you heard my voice. There are all of these really gross pictures on the wall of injuries that have happened at the MTC. I also noticed several pictures of untreated ingrown toenails and was promptly scared out of my wits.
I have enjoy hearing about Emery and Campbell's primary program. I think all of you mentioned it in your letters. They are good girls. From what I have seen of other primary programs, distracted children are not uncommon. I have also seem some wavers. I will have to look into one of those dehumidifiers Allie was talking about. Although, it would probably break from overexertion in Panama and they are too costly for a servant of the Lord.
Elder Pearson of the First Quorum of the Seventy addressed us last night for our Tuesday devotional. He had some very inspiring words for us. I gathered that we obtain what we consistently strive for. Again, the importance of understanding our identity as spirit sons and daughters of God was stressed. He addressed the concerns held by many in the audience of losing their identity. He said that being obedient does not turn us into clones citing the distinct personalities in the Quorum of Twelve. We leave behind what we were in order to become what we have been called to be or who we really are. He went on to say that the church will have need for return missionaries to lead the church. Return missionaries are more likely to be married in the temple. A really high percentage of bishops and stake presidents are return missionaries. Our children are also more likely to serve missions. With similiar statements Elder Pearson emphasized the importance of our missions on our lives to come. He gave a powerful testimony at the end and we sang "I Know that My Redeemer Lives".
I have been talking quite a bit with Elder Josh Kenney who is the nephew of Br. Fred Kenney. He has been in our zone for quite some time, but I did not make the connection until I saw him wearing a SunSplash sweatshirt. It is fun to talk to him about SunSplash and learn more about the Kenney family. He told me that Br. Fred Kenney bought a radio station recently. He has always been fascinated with radio waves, and we even made an antenna for mutual one night. I have also been able to reflect on the positive influence Br. Kenney has had on my life and his influence in my decision to serve a mission. I enjoyed being their home teacher and I will always be grateful for his generosity and service given to me. He has been my leader off and on for many years.
Thank you for purchasing the socks. A few extra will make a huge difference.
The end of my stay here at the MTC is quickly approaching. I have grown to enjoy the MTC quite a bit and have formed some very good memories. I can see how the powerful lessons I learn here will be useful even after the mission. I do not like to think about saying adios to my teachers. They have been with us from the beginning, and we are very close with them now. This may also be the last time I see many of these missionaries. Hopefully I can at least see the ones that are going to Panama every once in awhile. I am eager however to get out into the field. While role-playing is effective practice, I really want to teach real investigators for once.
I love you all and appreciate your support. Not everyone out here is as blessed in that department as I am.
Elder Whiting

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 6

Incredibly, we heard from yet another apostle. That makes four in a row. Last night Elder Bednar came and spoke to us about the distinctions between doctrines, principles, and applications. He said that so often in the church we try to solve questions with applications when we should actually be using doctrines. On Sunday, Sheri Dew came to speak to us. She talked about knowing your identity, learning how to receive personal revelation, and truly understanding what the Savior did for us by performing the Atonement. Sister Dew told some very good stories and cited a scripture in the New Testament ( I think it was in Matthew) about the Savior coming to heal the broken hearted and bruised. Many of us can find comfort in this scripture.
My companion and I are now zone leaders. Tonight we will be welcoming a new district. Tomorrow, we will show them around the MTC and teach them a lesson on planning and companionships. This is an exciting assignment because I am getting to know the elders and sisters in our zone a lot better. I am also under a lot more pressure to be an example for everyone. The corrective action responsibility is probably my least favorite. I hate being the bad guy. Fortunately, most of the time I am able to alert the district leader first of any problems, and they usually take care of it.
Congratulations to Corey and Darren on their mission calls. Brazil is always highly spoken of here and will be a great mission.
What terrible news about Jared. I have been studying every letter about his progress. Please keep me informed. I was always very careful when I was coming home that way because I know Jared is always playing out there. He is included in my prayers.
Thank you for your package mom. At first I thought the mail room had mixed my package up with some Japanese elder's when I saw all the seaweed and Norri crackers. What a special treat! I do not understand how this new SD card is different. I assume the "H" stands for high definition or something? Does it take higher quality photos?
The weather is turning colder here. There has been rain and on and off snow flurries for awhile. The MTC is covered in Christmas lights now and looks really pretty when it gets dark. They are really everywhere: in the bushes, trees, covered walkways.
Everyone that I know here seems to be leaving. It will be just me and Elder Lindelof pretty soon. Elder Wood came to my classroom and said goodbye a couple days ago. Elder Maughan told me he is leaving Monday, and Elder Sewell has already left. The time seems to really be flying in here. Before I know it, I'll be boarding a plane for Panama. We get our travel plans a week from Thursday. It will be tough to concentrate after that.
I love you and enjoy your correspondences.
Elder Whiting

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 5

Dear Family,
Incredibly, we heard from another apostle for our devotional last night. That makes three in a row. M. Russel Ballard came and spoke to us about becoming master teachers and communicators. He emphasized the importance of teaching with clarity and simplicity while asking questions about what you have just taught to check for understanding. He told lots of good stories and has a great sense of humour. Every time an apostle walks into the room, we all feel such a great feeling as the Spirit enters the room. We are fortunate to hear from apostles so often. It is drastically different when they come to speak directly to you, and you can look over at the pulpit and see them standing there.
I am glad you are enjoying the pictures I sent home. I have been trying to take a lot. You could probably tell I have little experience with taking photos. However, most of them weren't even taken by me (as I am in most of them). We grab any unfortunate passerby and recruit them as a photographer.
Thanks for the cookies mom. Peanut butter blossoms are my favorite.
Halloween was uneventful here. Although we had lots of candy ready for any trick-or-treaters, we didn't have any takers.
We have been undergoing an English fast for this last week. We are only allowed to speak English when a teacher is present and during interviews. This has been really difficult, but its surprising how much we know. It also forces us to learn phrases we use a lot and put in practice the grammar principles we've been learning.
Before Elder Sewell left the MTC, we all had a chance to get together, take pictures, and say good-bye. I had forgotten how many of us from Granite Bay 1st Ward are here. We stood in front of a huge map for one of the pictures and pointed at our missions. We are spread out all over the world.
Temple walks have been reinstated. I am happy to have the opportunity to walk around the temple on Sundays again. We will be going to the temple last today as well to do a session.
I cannot believe how fast time has flown here. We all think it feels like we just got here. It is amazing to look back at where we started, in regards to both testimony and Spanish, to see how far we have come. We have stronger testimonies; we are better teachers; we have a better grasp on the language; we are better Christians.
Elder Whiting

Monday, November 1, 2010

Study at MTC

Elders Biesinger, Whiting, Polera and Scrimsher. All will be in Panama by Thanksgiving. The area above the Panamian flag has statistics about the country. They are roommates in the MTC.
With Elder Biesinger outside the temple on Sunday. A short break in the schedule to walk around and take some photos.

Hermano Vigil, one of the Spanish language instructors. Jeff says they are great.

A tie [polyester as required] and a Good Luck Pig from Courtney. Nice tie, the pig is little more difficult to see in this view.

Elder it's your turn for the next discussion point.
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Pictures from MTC

Elder Whiting

Contemplative picture on Provo Temple grounds or MTC, I included it because I liked the feel it projects.

Practicing with Elder Biesinger, his first companion.

Missionary prank? or testing 'the elder's are protected from poison' scriptures? If this had been in his mother's bed, Lori would have passed out cold.

Elder Polera's mother provided some clarification, Elder Polera took this spider with him to the MTC, then ... 
"I put the spider under Elder Whiting's sheet near his pillow after we turned off the lights and went to bed. All of a sudden he screamed and dashed to turn the light on. He said he felt some slimy, hairy thing under his pillow and then he found the spider. I was laughing so hard.  It scared him but he wasn’t mad at me.
Our district is great and we get along fine. Me, Elder Scrimsher, Elder Whiting, and Elder Beisinger hang out all the time. We pretty much stay together alot."
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