Monday, March 19, 2012

19 de marzo

I had an interesting experience this week that left us kind of shaken. I had just finished a baptismal interview for a lady preparing to get baptised in the zone. She passed the interview just fine and offered to take us home. She was driving like a taxi driver, but by now I am used to it.
We decided to have her drop us off a couple blocks before the house without knowing why. We did not need to stop by anywhere before heading home. It was already late.
As we approached the house, we saw a bunch of traffic and spectators in front. As we approached the car I recognized it as being hers. I ran around the side and asked her boyfriend in the passengers seat how she was doing. She was pretty delirious and drifting in and out of consciousness. She had flipped a u-turn and did not make it all the way. A pickup truck had come along and t-boned her car. The car was really smashed up on the drivers side, and there was broken glass everywhere.
We jumped in the back and gave her a blessing. We were so close to being in the car with them, and I was sitting on the drivers side. She is fine now, just shaken up.
This Sunday we had stake conference. It was a little different than usual because it was broadcast to us. Elder Packer spoke along with the second counselor in the young womens, and an area seventy. Are they broadcasting stake conference in the states too? I enjoyed President Packers experience with a "street urchin" in Central America and how we should all have more charity. As he held the boy in his lap, someone leaned over to him and said "you are holding a generation on your lap" and related that to the amazing growth of the church in Central America.
On Wednesday we had consejos in the Presidents house. They emphasized working more with the members as being the key for more growth. I agree.
I love you guys. Take care.
Elder Whiting

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