Monday, January 16, 2012

16 de enero 2012

This week I learned a lot about being patient. Last Monday I got sunburned really badly when we went to the beach everywhere I did not put sunscreen like my legs and feet. It was probably the worst sunburn I have ever had. I woke up one morning with my legs and feet on fire. It felt like I had a million mosquito bites on my legs. Everything I tried seemed to only make it worse. I finally ran to a pharmacy in one of those tongan skirts (lava lava) to buy some aloe vera. The man behind the counter recommended cream used to treat burns instead, so I bought it. It helped a ton and at least the itching went away. It was pretty miserable to walk around all day with my shoes and pants rubbing against my burns. I thought about one of my favorite conference talks that mentioned that pain teaches us to be patient, so I decided to learn from the situation. After several days I was fine. Last night I was peeling a bunch of skin off.

I have often thought "if I would have known" or "if I had known what I know now" after a dumb mistake or hard experience. I would rather be warned about something, but all too often we either do not trust the warning or want to make sure anyway and have to learn "the hard way" as they say by experience. I often wonder how God feels when He gives us a commandment to protect us, and we break it anyway because we think it is restrictive. The prophet and the Holy Ghost are always warning us about spiritual and physical dangers, but those warnings go unheeded all too often. I have begun to change my way of thinking to questions like "what can I do tomorrow, the next time, or improve/better?" I have found this attitude less frustrating and more productive. It is important to remember these experiences and learn from them, but there is no use in dwelling on them. Rather, it is better to move on.

I am thankful for this opportunity I have right now to serve the Lord. It is such a privilege to wear His name every day and preach the gospel in Panama. I am extremely grateful for everyone at home and love all of you. The picture is of me and my companion Elder Calderón here in the Internet just before writing you.

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