Monday, January 9, 2012

9 de enero 2012

This has been yet another busy week. Monday we went paintballing again for pday. I forgot how much I enjoy the adrenaline of it all. I will have to dust off my gun when I get back. Tuesday we mostly traveled to Panama to go to consejos. There was an unruly passenger on the bus that was thrown off for not cooperating. He wanted to put his feet on the cooler in front of him where all the staff keep their drinks. They warned him several times, but he kept doing it. They pulled the bus over and threw him screaming off. It was quite entertaining for everyone. I was kind of worried about the guy because we were in the middle of the interior of the country. If someone did not pick him up, he probably died.

Wednesday was consejos in the chapel in Bella Vista rather than in the mission home. They ordered Subway for the lunch. We set the baptismal goal of 1300 this year in the mission and 150 families. I know we can do it! Thursday President came to do interviews with us and bought all of us Dominos pizza. I have had some good food this week. I had a really cool interview with President Ward. He is always very encouraging and has excellent council. I have an awesome mission president.

I also had a very interesting conversation with Hna. Ward while waiting for my companion to finish his interview with the president about school and possible career choices. Throughout my mission the FBI has popped into my head over and over again. I think I want to go into the FBI, but I want to talk to some people first and see what they want in my studies and to see what I would do in the FBI since there are so many options.
On a side note, IT IS SO HOT HERE. I have worn sunscreen every day this week because a member told us the news said this sun was going to be unusually strong this week. We wanted to walk around with umbrellas, but people confuse us with Jehovah's Witnesses and will not talk to us. So in the name of more success, we are toughing it out. It did not believe it at first, but we have done several experiments only to find it is true. It has not rained in a while.
This Sunday we had six investigators in sacrament meeting. We were really busy accomodating all of them making sure they all had hymn books, someone to sit by, etc. We were not able to work much this week with consejos and interviews, but the Lord always makes up the difference after we have done as much as we possibly can. Sunday, I taught a part of the missionary preparation class in the evening. There are a lot of awesome youth here preparing to serve missions. It was fun to give them some insight and share some experiences that have helped me learn.
I love you guys. Thanks for everything.

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